Umbes Võtke ühendust |


Kaugjuhtimispuldiga pihustid/

Kaugjuhtimispuldiga kasvuhooneprits

Mudel :QK50

Water Tank :50L

Spraying Height :2-3m

Reisikiirus :0-5 km/h

Working Time :3-4 tundi

Kaugkaugus :2000m

Pinge :48V

Travel Motor :2 x 800 vatti

Generaator :None

Water Pump :2 x 70 vatti

Aku :4 x 52Ah

Suurus :Pikkus 950 Mm, Laius 670 Mm, Kõrgus 680 Mm

Kaal :167 haiguslugu

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  • Kuidas olla oma edasimüüja
Remote Control Greenhouse Sprayer For Sale

Remote control greenhouse sprayer is a electric RC robot mist spraying machine. It is only 67 cm wide. Because of the small body and no engine, it is especially suitable for working in vegetable greenhouses. Operator controls this greenhouse sprayer to move forward, backward, turn and pesticide spray by a radio remote control. In this way, the operator stays away from the machine and avoids pesticide damage.

We use a 50L water tank, 8 fan nozzles and 2 x 70 watt water pumps for this ground greenhouse robot sprayer. The highest nozzle height is 1.6 meters. Its spraying height can reach 2-3 meters. If you need a higher spraying height, we can customize it for you. To make the greenhouse RC sprayer more powerful, we install 2 x 800 watt electric brushless walking motors. its speed can reach 5 kilomeetrit tunnis. So it works efficiently. In order to get enough working time, we install 4 pieces of 52Ah batteries for this greenhouse sprayer robot. So that it can work for 3-4 tundi.

Visual Remote Control For Agricultural Sprayer
Greenhouse Pesticide Sprayer with Camera and Visual Remote Control

We can configure a HD camera and HD visual remote control for this remote control greenhouse sprayer. So you can sit in an air-conditioned house or car to operate this pesticide sprayer. This radio remote control can take pictures and videos. You can even insert a calling card to make calls.

Reject Poor Quality

For any machine we make, we do a lot of testing before selling. Long time testing is the best way to verify a new product. Through a lot of testing, we can find defects and improve it. Therefore, the quality of our products is very go. Muidugi, our customer feedback is also very good. We must guarantee the durability of the machine. You can subscribe to our YouTube channel to watch more working and testing videos.

Other Types of Remote Controlled Sprayers

We can manufacture various remote controlled agricultural sprayers. If you need remote control weed sprayer, RC sprayer for agriculture or robot high clearance boom sprayer, Palun võtke meiega ühendust. No matter big or small, no matter it is used in orchard, greenhouse or farmland, we can satisfy you.

Advantages of Remote Control Greenhouse Sprayer

1. Kas olete tootja?

Oleme otsene tootja ja spetsialiseerunud väikestele kaugjuhtimisaedadele, põllumajandus- ja metsatehnika.

2. Millised on teie eelised?

Meil on meeskond kogenud mehaanikainseneridest ja disaineritest kaugjuhtimismasinate ja automaatse roboti valdkonnas.

3. Kas teie tooteid saab Ameerikasse eksportida, Euroopa, Austraalia ja Jaapan?

Jah, Oleme kursis iga riigi tollivormistusprotsessiga ja omame vastavaid sertifikaate.

4. Kas saate OEM-i tellimuse vastu võtta?

Jah, Mitte ainult OEM-tellimus, vaid ka kõik kohandatud kaugjuhtimisseadmed. Oleme head väikeste kaugjuhtimismasinate projekteerimisel ja valmistamisel. Palun öelge mulle oma nõuded.

Pakkimine: Vineerist kast


Tellimuse näidis sees 10 päevadel.

10-20 üksused ümberringi 20-30 päevadel.

20-60 üksused ümberringi 30-60 päevadel.

Kohandatud tellimus ümberringi 30-60 päevadel.


Olete väga oodatud meie edasimüüjaks.

Seni, kui omad masinate müügi ja hoolduse kogemust aia- ja põllumasinate valdkonnas, võite saada meie edasimüüjaks.

Palun saatke e-kiri aadressile Andke meile teada oma piirkond ja riik.


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