Faoi Teagmháil |


lomairí Cianrialú/

Cianrialú lomaire suaite

Múnla :QKZ900

Blade Type :Flail Blades (48 pieces blades)

Cutting Width :800 mm

Cutting Height :0-130 mm

Luas Taistil :0-4 km/u

Branda Inneall :Briggs & Stratton VANGUARD

Cumhacht Innill :17.2 kw / 23 hp

Díláithriú Innill :627 cc

Fuel Consumption :4.0-6.0L/hour

Mótar Leictreach :1500 watt Brushless Motor x 2

Reducer :Hyperboloid Worm Reducer

Malartach :4000 vata

Battery :12V20Ah * 4

Voltas :48V

Méid :Fad 1590 mm, Leithead 1410 mm, Airde 850 mm

Meáchan :470 KG

  • Sonraí Táirge
  • Déileálaí / Distributor
  • CCanna
  • Packing & Delivery
Remote Control Flail Mower For Sale

Remote control flail mower is a tracked slope lawnmower. It can shreds anything it can push over – weeds, reeds, brush, saplings. Building yards, gardening and landscaping companies as well as green care service providers need such flail mower to finish challenging mowing task on steep slopes. Keep your mowing crew out of thorny brush and away from ticks, mites, and spiders.

Remote Controlled Flail Mower

Maybe you are worried that Chinese remote control lawn mowers are not durable. you are right. Sa tSín, I only trust our remote control lawn mowers. Remote controlled lawn mowers from other Chinese manufacturers are really terrible. Their lawnmower might only work for an hour and then breakwalking motor is burned out, circuit board is burned out, wires is burned out…… I have even seen some videos of their lawnmowers catching fire while at work.

Cén Fáth Roghnaigh Linn?

You don’t need to worry at all with our remote control lawn mowers. Mar shampla, for this remote control flail mower, we have many advantages that other Chinese manufacturers do not have.

First, we use two 1500 watt brushless servo walking motors and hyperboloid worm gear reducer. You can safely clear grass for a long time without worrying about walking motor burning out due to overheating. Even if you work continuously for 4 uair an chloig, the walking motor will not overheat and there is no need to worry about walking motor burning out.

Second, Circuit boards are also our core components. Other remote control mower manufacturers do not have the ability to design own circuit boards. We design own circuit boards to suitable for our remote control flail mowers, this is exclusive. Our circuit boards can not only adapt to complex working environments and withstand large currents. It also has self-protection capabilities. So we rarely have problems with our circuit boards.

Third, we use 16 sets of cutter, each with 3 blades. These blades are carefully designed by us, they have been tested for a long time and can crush any plants. Even if it accidentally hits a rock, there’s a good chance it won’t deform.

Fourth, for this remote control flail mower, we use Briggs & Stratton VANGUARD 23hp two cylinder gasoline engine. Powerful power provides the possibility to crush everything. If you want to learn more about this engine, please click Briggs & Stratton official website.

Looking For Dealer

If you are in the field of agricultural and garden power machinery, welcome to become our dealer. For this flail lawn mower, in order to safeguard the interests of dealers, we plan to look for only one dealer in each country or region. Finally, I want to say that if you want to buy durable and cheap remote control flail mower, please choose us. More remote control lawn mowers, please click here.

For this flail lawn mower, in order to safeguard the interests of dealers, we plan to look for only one dealer in each country or region.

If you are in the field of agricultural and garden power machinery, welcome to become our dealer.

Seol ríomhphost chuig export@remote-mowers.com. Cuir in iúl dúinn do réigiún agus do thír.

Cad is féidir linn a dhéanamh do dhéileálaithe?
1. Cuirimid faisnéis déileálaí ar fáil do cheannaitheoirí aonair. Mar shampla, má chuireann ceannaitheoir aonair na hIodáile fiosrúchán ar tháirgí uainn, seolfaimid faisnéis déileálaí na hIodáile chuig an gceannaitheoir aonair ionas gur féidir leis an gceannaitheoir aonair dul i gcomhairle go díreach agus a cheannach ó dhéileálaí na hIodáile.
2. Is féidir linn do LOGO a ghearradh le léasair ar an meaisín.
3. Is féidir le déileálaithe dathanna an mheaisín a shaincheapadh.
4. Is féidir linn cuma eisiach a shaincheapadh do dhéileálaithe.
5. Gan aon chainníocht íosta ordú.

1. An bhfuil tú ag monaróir?

Is muid an monaróir díreach agus speisialtóireacht i ngairdíní rialaithe iargúlta beaga, innealra talmhaíochta agus foraoise, especially remote control lawn mowers.

2. Cad iad na buntáistí atá agat??

Tá foireann innealtóirí agus dearthóirí meicniúla taithí againn i réimse na n-innealra cianrialaithe agus an robot uathoibríoch.

3. An féidir do tháirgí a onnmhairiú go Meiriceá, Eoraip, An Astráil agus an tSeapáin?

Tá, Táimid eolach ar phróiseas imréitigh custaim gach tír agus tá deimhnithe comhfhreagracha againn.

4. An féidir leat glacadh le hordú OEM?

Tá, Ní hamháin ordú OEM ach freisin aon innealra cianrialaithe a shaincheapadh. Táimid go maith ag dearadh agus déantúsaíocht innealra cianrialaithe beag. Inis dom do riachtanais le do thoil.

Pacáil: Plywood Case


Ordú samplach laistigh 10 laethanta.

10-20 aonaid timpeall 20-30 laethanta.

20-60 aonaid timpeall 30-60 laethanta.

Ordú saincheaptha timpeall 30-60 laethanta.


Roimhe seo:

Fág freagra

− 2 = 2


  1. Manfred Daiber

    Dia duit,

    Interested in the flail mower for the use on a steep slope.
    Can you please send a price list and options?
    How much for shipping to New Zealand? Landed in Christchurch.

  2. Dia duit, I would like to know the price including shipping to Italy, Sondrio province, payment method and timing, thanks

    • Hello Mr Stefano. Thank you for leaving a message on my website. Please check out your email.
      Más mian leat freagra tapa a fháil, ná fág teachtaireacht anseo, seol ríomhphost chugam nó seol fiosrúchán go díreach.

  3. Julián Cuesta

    I would like to know the price of your QKZ900 robot, placed in Bilbao, Spain
    thank you,

    • Hello Mr Julian Cuesta. Thank you for leaving a message on my website. Please check out your email.
      Más mian leat freagra tapa a fháil, ná fág teachtaireacht anseo, seol ríomhphost chugam nó seol fiosrúchán go díreach.

  4. Juan Carlos Conde

    Hello from North Spain. I love your flail mower QKZ900. I have aprox 2000 square meters with high angle slopes. A few goats and sheeps eat plants but not everything. Like ferns
    I have two questions:
    1- which is the máximum angle slopes?
    2- price including delivery to Spain (Bilbao)?

  5. Sascha eggl

    Hallo was würde so ein schlägelmäher kosten ?

  6. Dia duit,
    I am interested in importing this tracked flail robot mower and interested if you have or need a dealer here in Australia 🇦🇺
    Please supply price list plus shipping to Australia Brisbane Port.
    Go raibh maith agat

    • Go raibh maith agat as teachtaireacht a fhágáil ar mo shuíomh Gréasáin. Please check out you email.
      Más mian leat freagra tapa a fháil, seol ríomhphost chugam nó seol fiosrúchán go díreach.

  7. Dupré Christian

    Bonjour Christian de France
    Aimerait savoir le prix du modèle QKZ900

    • Go raibh maith agat as teachtaireacht a fhágáil ar mo shuíomh Gréasáin. Please check out you email.
      Más mian leat freagra tapa a fháil, seol ríomhphost chugam nó seol fiosrúchán go díreach.

  8. Paolo Crosa

    mi piacerebbe avere il prezzo delmodello QKZ900

  9. Good day,
    can you send the prices of all types of robotic mowers to my email?
    Shipping to the Czech Republic.
    Go raibh maith agat

  10. Price to Australia for flail mower

  11. What is price of your flair mower with shipping to Australia? Peter.bildki@gmail.com

  12. Ricardo Henrique


  13. If you want a quick reply, please send inquiry directly, or by email or by Whatsapp.

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